Across Europe

The world of mobility is changing. Although transport emissions are affecting our planet, people continue to drive to their work and leisure activities, even when those are short distance. Yet, mobility is increasingly becoming a service (MaaS).

At White, we want you to navigate these changes with certainty. Through our collective intelligence methods, we can ensure that you are well-placed to respond to the changing nature of mobility. We work on a variety of projects related to mobility such as projects aimed to bring forward a new thinking and innovative solutions for public transport as well as to create a favourable environment for its growth, by applying a novel marketing, behavioural change and social innovation approach in large EU cities as well as projects with large cities to challenge their mobility urban development through a People Oriented Transport and Mobility (POTM) approach. We also work on projects related to tests of smart mobility solutions and much more. White can help with all your mobility projects.

Mobility is important for people and the economy,
we can help make it smart and sustainable.