For EU funding partners

In relation to EU funding here are some of the reasons to partner with us
See our other services for more reasons

  • We have insights in a number of different areas because we work in these areas across our services and we ensure that knowledge that can be shared, is shared
  • We stay up to date with latest developments, whether in sciences, policy, the business world or current events, we stay current and aware
  • We analyse data and information every day in order to get insights, we look for trends and work to anticipate new developments as we believe the only way to stay relevant is to see change coming so that we can help our partners be ready when it comes
  • We know that insights are about understanding of dynamics. The bigger picture and the finer details both have to be taken into account in order to have true insights
  • We believe that these insights are a fundamental requirement to be able to guide our partners well
  • Our list of partners is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg that is our network. In our business a large and varied network is key, which is why we are always working to maintain and expand it
  • We leverage our networks whenever relevant and also regularly make introductions without anything in it for us, because this is how you maintain a good network and why people stay in touch even if there are not shared opportunity at a given time
  • Competitors today, partners tomorrow and vice-versa – this is a fact of life in our business, it does not prevent us from including organisations and people in our network and staying in close contact with them, on the contrary, it is what makes us able to maintain a vast network of contacts
  • For us networking is not just a part of the job, but a pleasure, we meet interesting people, discover new and exciting organisations, we share and discuss ideas and sometimes opportunities are born
  • Whilst processes are important to ensure consistency and to ensure that we go on a journey of learning with our partners, nothing is more important to us than the results we bring
  • Exploration of ideas and innovation are key in our work, but we never let that overshadow the need to deliver results at the end of task
  • We focus on real-world applicability, so our work is not about purely theoretical solutions, but solutions that can bring actual real-world results that make a difference
  • We never shy away from owning up to issues that occur along the way as this is the only way to be able to adapt and overcome these so that we can still deliver what is needed
  • We believe that good results are a consequence of good work, commitment and a drive to deliver the best we can all the time

“Funding services are about helping others seize opportunities they may otherwise miss”


Description of services

Funding advice

If you are new to EU funding or if you are looking to expand your portfolio of projects, White offers services that are relevant to you. We can help you with the following:

  • Introduction to funding
  • Funding strategy
  • Opportunity mapping
  • Topics selection
  • Tactical advice


For many organisations, having an office in Brussels just to follow-up on EU Funding opportunities is not an option. However, we can help with this, by providing these services:

  • Positioning strategy
  • Representation at events
  • Network building
  • Information day summaries
  • Brussels and EU insights


We offer training services to our partners to help them take advantage of various EU opportunities. Our trainings include theory and practical training:

  • Basics of EU Funding
  • How to build successful consortia
  • Writing successful proposals
  • Tenders training
  • Learning from failure

Project acquisition

We have extensive experience in acquiring projects and continue to acquire new projects. We help our partners by providing services such as:

  • Consortium building
  • Proposal writing
  • Invitations to opportunities
  • Review of proposals
  • Project coordination advice

Funding advice

If you are new to EU funding or if you are looking to expand your portfolio of projects, White offers services that are relevant to you. We can help you with the following:


For many organisations, having an office in Brussels just to follow-up on EU Funding opportunities is not an option. However, we can help with this, by providing these services:


We offer training services to our partners to help them take advantage of various EU opportunities. Our trainings include theory and practical training:

Project acquisition

We have extensive experience in acquiring projects and continue to acquire new projects. We help our partners by providing services such as:

  • Introduction to funding
  • Funding strategy
  • Opportunity mapping
  • Topics selection
  • Tactical advice

  • Positioning strategy
  • Representation at events
  • Network building
  • Information day summaries
  • Brussels and EU insights

  • Basics of EU Funding
  • How to build successful consortia
  • Writing successful proposals
  • Tenders training
  • Learning from failure

  • Consortium building
  • Proposal writing
  • Invitations to opportunities
  • Review of proposals
  • Project coordination advice

Opportunities await you

Whether you are a large or a small organisation, whether you are a business, academia or civil society, whether you know about EU funding or not, opportunities await you. We can help you identify and seize these opportunities. Our experience in EU funding and in providing EU funding services makes us highly qualified to be the partner that guides you to these opportunities. Whether you are interested in funding advice, representation, training or project acquisition, we can help you. We can help open doors for you, extend your network, be your eyes and ears in Brussels, help you build consortia, acquire projects and so much more. Think of it like ‘Brussels in a Box’, a neat package with all the things you need to have in order to take advantage of EU funding opportunities. The content of your ‘Brussels in a Box’ is adapted to your specific needs and delivered with a smile. Maybe your needs change over time, we see this with a number of partners, this is not a problem, we simply re-assess your needs and adapt.

Why not pursue EU funding? You get funded to increase your knowledge, to innovate and to create new opportunities. Besides that, you also get to expand your network, increase your visibility and ultimately further your goals. We would be very happy to partner with you, so please do not hesitate to contact us.


Koç University & Brussels in a Box

Koç University (KU) is a first-class research university, located in Turkey and employing highly talented researchers across a wide spectrum of disciplines. KU has a successful track record in acquiring funding from prestigious instruments and has developed a strong research funding and implementation support office, operating from its main campus. Read about how we provide Brussels in a Box for Koç University.



International Master in European Studies

IMES is a post-graduate accelerated Master programme that provides students with an in-depth knowledge of the European Union institutional structure, functioning and policies, and with a sound understanding of the EU funding methods and Project Cycle Management tools and techniques. White is a faculty member of two IMES Day Programme and IMES Evening & Weekend Programme and provides four teaching modules.