Funding source
European Commission – DG CNECT

May 2020 to November 2022

Project information
Thematic keywords

  • Emerging technologies
  • Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs)
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • EU Digital Single Market
  • Digital transformation

Methodological keywords

  • Desk research, consolidations of results & policy recommendations
  • Crowdsourcing & big data analytics
  • Skills gap analysis & resource mapping
  • Workshops & events
  • Stakeholder engagement & communication
  • Collaboration & knowledge-sharing

Project narrative

Distributed Ledger Technologies such as blockchain hold potential for major improvements in the way our businesses, governments, and societies work. However, important questions are yet to be answered to fully unlock the transformative power of these nascent technologies.

The European Blockchain Observatory and Forum brings together the community to pool knowledge, form consensus and thus facilitate the development and uptake of blockchain applications in Europe.

We aim to expand and strengthen the activities of the Observatory and Forum in the frame of its second instalment. We are furthermore responsible for conducting regular analysis of the blockchain landscape in order to identify relevant initiatives and trends as well as skills gaps. We also contribute to the community building dimension by organising workshops and identifying opportunities for collaboration with other initiatives.