Funding source
European Commission – DG MOVE

September 2019 to March 2021

Project information
Thematic keywords

  • European Green Deal
  • EU Transport White Paper
  • Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Mobility as a service (MaaS)
  • Smart mobility

Methodological keywords

  • Case-study research
  • Quantitative applications of behavioural science
  • Impact Assessment, monitoring & evaluation
  • Communication, dissemination & exploitation
  • Evidence-based policy

Project narrative

While most of the European population may live in major cities, the EU does not solely comprise of urban spaces. Approximately 52% of the EU’s territory consists of rural areas.  Owing to rapid urbanisation, mobility in these areas relies heavily on cars, as limited demand makes public transport operators limit or drop their offer. This hinders rural inhabitants’ access to opportunities and limits their participation in all aspects of economic and social life.

Mobility is thus key to reversing this situation and central to the SMARTA 2 initiative. The project tests smart mobility solutions such as carsharing and e-bike systems in four European rural areas: Trikala (GR), the region of East Tyrol (AT), Aveiro District (PT) and Brasov Metropolitan Area (RO).

We help these areas to set up effective communication strategies, collect evidence about what works (and what does not) in their mobility solutions in terms of effectiveness, cost and environmental efficiency and finally create an evidence base to promote rural mobility solutions to the European Union.