Innovation is the key to the European economy competitiveness and therefore needs to be adequately supported with investments. However, access to finance for innovative and tech-driven SMEs can be challenging as current assessment methodologies seem to be unable to mitigate the risk aversion of investors.
InnoRate introduces a novel service platform to support the decision-making process of investors in vetting, prioritising and financing innovative SMEs with high growth potential. Leveraging an innovative Technology Rating System that draws inspiration from the trusted Korea Technology Rating System (KTRS) and combining it with a suite of digital decision support tools and services, InnoRate’s ultimate goal is to “bring innovation to finance and finance to innovation”. Through decision support tools and services backed up by custom assessment and rating methodologies going well-beyond traditional rating approaches focusing on credit or collateral, the platform can help both SMEs and investors.
Innovation in financing and in Technology Rating methodologies
Data analytics
Data analytics services and analytics platform
Investment readiness, investment platform and matchmaking
Market research
Market research, mapping, analysis & user requirements
Business modelling and planning, IPR Management
Communications, dissemination and exploitation
Blending ICT and human expertise
InnoRate acknowledges the importance of ICT in accelerating and scaling assessment processes, thus offering part of the InnoRate Technology Rating System as a digital, self-administered pre-screening service, by which SMEs can easily access to rate their innovation. At the same time, however, InnoRate blends ICT with human expertise through deep-assessment services where experts bring in the market and technology expertise required to evaluate more hard-to-grasp aspects of business prospects and risks.
The project caters to the needs of key stakeholders:
- Innovative projects, start-up and SMEs
- Private investors
- Innovation intermediaries
- Technology transfer offices
- Matchmaking first
We have performed the analysis of users’ needs and profiles and we are responsible for the business models validation and improvement as well as intellectual property rights management. Furthermore, as Dissemination Managers, we are responsible for the communication strategy and activities as well as for the final policy recommendations. In addition to the above,
Case Studies
We carry out a large variety of work, below we present a few examples of different projects.