Funding source
European Commission – Horizon 2020

November 2020 to October 2023

Project URL

Project information
Thematic keywords

  • Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC)
  • Co-creative approaches, Quadruple helix stakeholder engagement
  • Women’s empowerment in RES
  • Capacity building for gender mainstreaming
  • Clean Energy Transition

Methodological keywords

  • Desk Research, Interviews, Survey
  • Context and stakeholder’s analysis and mapping
  • Co-creation activities, workshops and events
  • Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation framework
  • Communication, dissemination & exploitation

Project narrative

Heating and cooling accounts for over 50% of the EU’s final energy consumption and is the biggest energy end-use sector. Nevertheless, despite the commitment of Member States to promote Renewable Heating and Cooling solutions, around 85% of heating and cooling is produced from natural gas, coal, oil products and non-RES electricity.

In a unique and innovative approach, W4RES puts women at the forefront, as agents of change, to drive the shift towards RHC uptake and ultimately to contribute towards EU’s energy and climate targets for 2030. A gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation framework will be implemented across 8 EU countries to devise measures that can address diverse policy and market needs across Europe.

We are responsible for the analysis of perceptions, needs and challenges of market actors in RHC. We are also coordinating a series of co-creative initiatives to facilitate engagement and collaboration of all stakeholders. Finally, we are leading the regional hub and activities in Belgium.

Related publications
All key outputs can be found here: https:/