Funding source
European Commission – Horizon Europe

September 2022 to August 2025

Project URL

Project information
Thematic keywords

  • Scale-up small-scale bio-based solutions
  • Bioeconomy and sustainable rural development
  • Social innovation
  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries

Methodological keywords

  • Communication and dissemination
  • Mapping, analysis, and user needs
  • Workshops design and implementation

Project narrative

The growth of bioeconomy in a sustainable and inclusive manner is of paramount importance for addressing key global environmental and societal challenges. MainstreamBIO sets out to get small-scale bio-based solutions into mainstream practice across rural Europe, providing a broader range of rural actors with the opportunity to engage in and speed up the development of the bioeconomy.
Through the development of regional Multi-actor Innovation Platforms established in 7 EU countries (PL, DK, SE, BG, ES, IE and NL) we aim to enhance cooperation among key rural players towards co-creating sustainable business model pathways in line with regional potentials and policy initiatives. The project will support 35 multi-actor partnerships to overcome barriers and get bio-based innovations to market with hands-on innovation support, accelerating the development of over 70 marketable bio-based products and services.

We are responsible for the analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions, needs, and conditions in 7 rural regions. Moreover, we are responsible for cataloguing technologies, business models, and social innovations for small-scale bio-based solutions and for the development of the methodology for matching locally available biomass and waste streams with market and technology information. We also coordinate the regional scale up workshops that will be organised by each Multi-actor Innovation platform and finally we act as Dissemination Manager of the project.