Funding source

January 2016 to October 2017

Project URL

Project information
Thematic keywords

  • Careers & employment
  • Lifelong Learning Guidance & Counselling
  • ICT usage in Labour market information
  • Skills & Employment
  • EU policy

Methodological keywords

  • Desk research, Interviews & Field visits
  • Case studies’ development and analysis
  • Decision-making tools
  • Workshops & events
  • Training & Peer-learning
  • Policy recommendations

Project narrative

There is a rising awareness of how ICT can support people in their careers. Information about vacancies, labour market trends and learning options can be easily made available, while online training courses and development of basic skills can also be more easily accessed through online platforms. However, harnessing the potential of ICT is not always easy and has often been a process of trial-and-error for many countries.

The ICT in LMI study aimed to promote the development of a knowledge base and structured knowledge exchange in ICT and LMI usage in career guidance and counselling.  We were responsible for developing and analysing a number of European case studies of well-established and effective ICT and LMI practices in integrated lifelong guidance services. Moreover, we were also responsible for developing a transferability assessment Decision-Making Tool that aimed at assisting LLG decision-makers in selecting ICT and LMI practices that have been successfully applied in other contexts.